
Compax3S单轴伺服驱动器/控制器:1.5A / 三相400-480VAC(1.25kVA输出)
C3S015V4独立式伺服驱动器的额定功率为1.25kVA,具有可扩展的技术功能 - 从具有电子CAM和PLCOpen功能模块的智能IEC 61131驱动器到基本的模拟转矩/速度/位置控制。
兼容电机类型:无刷伺服 直驱伺服 无框伺服 感应 直线伺服 主轴电机
兼容回馈设备:旋转变压器 增量编码器 EnDat绝对值编码器 Hiperface绝对值编码器
控制模式:可编程控制器 - IEC 61131 电子齿轮 电子凸轮 位置控制(外部命令) 速度控制(外部命令) 转矩控制(外部命令) 模拟命令输入 步脉冲/方向命令输入
通讯接口:RS232 / RS485 CANopen DeviceNet Profibus Profinet PowerLink 以太网TCP / IP EtherCAT
工作温度:0 - 45 °C, 32 - 113 °F
符合规格:CE(EMC&LVD) 通过UL认证 通过cUL认证 符合 RoHS标准
Compax3是派克汉尼汾面向全球的伺服驱动器产品,该驱动器系列包括高性的单轴,多轴伺服器,以及液压伺服驱动器。“C3H”系列高功率单轴伺服驱动器和伺服驱动器/控制器可以提供的输出功率从35kVA到110kVA,需要三相400/480VAC的输入电源。基于可扩展技术的强大功能,Compax3系列驱动器可以解决多种应用类型 - 从基本模拟转矩/速度和步进/方向控制到具有先进电子CAM控制和PLCopen功能模块的智能驱动器,在符合IEC 61131-3的标准下,还可以使用CoDeSys开发环境进行编程.Compax3系列驱动器支持同步,异步,线性和转矩电机技术,以及反馈选项,包括旋转变压器,旋转和线性增量式编码器,单/多圈正弦余弦编码器(EnDat和Hiperface接口)和模拟/数字霍尔传感器。
• 功率输出额定值:1.25kVA
• 驱动器输入电源:三相 400/480VAC
• 1个编码器输出/ 1个编码器输入
• 8个数字输入/ 4个数字输出*
• 2个模拟输入 (14位)*
• 2个模拟输出 (8位)*
• 多个现场总线选项
• 适合安装在300mm控制柜中
• CE + UL / cUL认证*可通过基于现场总线的扩展IO模块进行扩展
• I10T10:驱动器控制方式:速度/转矩控制,脉冲/方向,编码器输入
• I12T11:通过数字I/O端口,RS232/RS485端口进行定位控制,绝对/相对定位,对准标记相关定位,电子齿轮,动态定位
• T30:编程环境CoDeSys符合IEC 61131-3- PLCopen功能模块- IEC 61131-3-标准模块- C3-特定的功能模块
• T40:T30功能+电子凸轮功能• C20:控制器技术,集成运动PLC (Compax3 powerPLmC-C20)
• RS232/485
• 以太网
• CANopen
• DeviceNET
• PowerLink
• Profibus
• ProfiNET
• EtherCAT
• HEDA运动总线
功能强大的多轴PC支持软件工具“派克集成工程工具”,与“Compax3 ServoManager”:
- 引导配置,易于使用的安装向导
- 集成4通道示波器功能- 安装支持
- 诊断/维护/服务- 电机管理
- 集成CamDesigner的凸轮创作
• 分析和优化机械系统;
型号 反馈技术 接口选择 技术选件 额外的整体选项
C3S015V4F10C20T11M00 旋转编码器 Slot powerPLmC with CANopen+Ethernet+WebServer Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F10C20T30M00 旋转编码器 Slot powerPLmC with CANopen+Ethernet+WebServer Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10C20T40M00 旋转编码器 Slot powerPLmC with CANopen+Ethernet+WebServer Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I10T10M00 旋转编码器 Analog and Step/Direction Input Torque, Velocity and Position Control 无
C3S015V4F10I11T11M00 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F10I11T30M00 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I11T30M10 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I11T30M11 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I11T30M12 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I11T30M21 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I11T40M00 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I11T40M10 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I11T40M11 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I11T40M12 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I11T40M21 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I12T11M00 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O, or RS232/485 Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F10I12T11M10 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O, or RS232/485 Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I12T11M11 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O, or RS232/485 Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I12T11M12 旋转编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O, or RS232/485 Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I20T11M00 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F10I20T11M10 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I20T11M11 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I20T11M12 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I20T30M00 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I20T30M10 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I20T30M11 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I20T30M12 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I20T30M21 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I20T40M00 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I20T40M10 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I20T40M11 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I20T40M12 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I20T40M21 旋转编码器 Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I21T11M00 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F10I21T11M10 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I21T11M11 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I21T11M12 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I21T30M00 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I21T30M10 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I21T30M11 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I21T30M12 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I21T30M21 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I21T40M00 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I21T40M10 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I21T40M11 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I21T40M12 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I21T40M21 旋转编码器 CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I22T11M00 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F10I22T11M10 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I22T11M11 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I22T11M12 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I22T30M00 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I22T30M10 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I22T30M11 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I22T30M12 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I22T30M21 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I22T40M00 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I22T40M10 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I22T40M11 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I22T40M12 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I22T40M21 旋转编码器 DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I30T11M00 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F10I30T11M10 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I30T11M11 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I30T11M12 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I30T30M00 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I30T30M10 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I30T30M11 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I30T30M12 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I30T30M21 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I30T40M00 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I30T40M10 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I30T40M11 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I30T40M12 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I30T40M21 旋转编码器 PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I31T11M00 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F10I31T11M10 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I31T11M11 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I31T11M12 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I31T30M00 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I31T30M10 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I31T30M11 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I31T30M12 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I31T30M21 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I31T40M00 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I31T40M10 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I31T40M11 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I31T40M12 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I31T40M21 旋转编码器 EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I32T11M00 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F10I32T11M10 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I32T11M11 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I32T11M12 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I32T30M00 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I32T30M10 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I32T30M11 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I32T30M12 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I32T30M21 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F10I32T40M00 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F10I32T40M10 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
型号 反馈技术 接口选择 技术选件 额外的整体选项
C3S015V4F10I32T40M11 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F10I32T40M12 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F10I32T40M21 旋转编码器 ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11C20T11M00 SinCos (Hiperface) Slot powerPLmC with CANopen+Ethernet+WebServer Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F11C20T30M00 SinCos (Hiperface) Slot powerPLmC with CANopen+Ethernet+WebServer Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11C20T40M00 SinCos (Hiperface) Slot powerPLmC with CANopen+Ethernet+WebServer Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I10T10M00 SinCos (Hiperface) Analog and Step/Direction Input Torque, Velocity and Position Control 无
C3S015V4F11I11T11M00 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F11I11T30M00 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I11T30M10 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I11T30M11 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I11T30M12 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I11T30M21 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I11T40M00 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I11T40M10 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I11T40M11 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I11T40M12 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I11T40M21 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I12T11M00 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O, or RS232/485 Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F11I12T11M10 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O, or RS232/485 Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I12T11M11 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O, or RS232/485 Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I12T11M12 SinCos (Hiperface) Positioning via Digital I/O, or RS232/485 Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I20T11M00 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F11I20T11M10 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I20T11M11 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I20T11M12 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I20T30M00 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I20T30M10 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I20T30M11 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I20T30M12 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I20T30M21 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I20T40M00 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I20T40M10 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I20T40M11 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I20T40M12 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I20T40M21 SinCos (Hiperface) Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I21T11M00 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F11I21T11M10 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I21T11M11 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I21T11M12 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I21T30M00 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I21T30M10 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I21T30M11 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I21T30M12 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I21T30M21 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I21T40M00 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I21T40M10 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I21T40M11 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I21T40M12 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I21T40M21 SinCos (Hiperface) CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I22T11M00 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F11I22T11M10 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I22T11M11 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I22T11M12 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I22T30M00 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I22T30M10 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I22T30M11 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I22T30M12 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I22T30M21 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I22T40M00 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I22T40M10 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I22T40M11 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I22T40M12 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I22T40M21 SinCos (Hiperface) DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I30T11M00 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F11I30T11M10 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I30T11M11 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I30T11M12 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I30T30M00 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I30T30M10 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I30T30M11 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I30T30M12 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I30T30M21 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I30T40M00 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I30T40M10 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I30T40M11 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I30T40M12 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I30T40M21 SinCos (Hiperface) PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I31T11M00 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F11I31T11M10 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I31T11M11 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I31T11M12 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I31T30M00 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I31T30M10 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I31T30M11 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I31T30M12 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I31T30M21 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I31T40M00 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I31T40M10 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I31T40M11 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I31T40M12 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I31T40M21 SinCos (Hiperface) EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I32T11M00 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F11I32T11M10 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I32T11M11 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I32T11M12 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I32T30M00 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I32T30M10 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I32T30M11 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I32T30M12 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
型号 反馈技术 接口选择 技术选件 额外的整体选项
C3S015V4F11I32T30M21 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F11I32T40M00 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F11I32T40M10 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I32T40M11 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F11I32T40M12 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F11I32T40M21 SinCos (Hiperface) ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12C20T11M00 增量编码器 Slot powerPLmC with CANopen+Ethernet+WebServer Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F12C20T30M00 增量编码器 Slot powerPLmC with CANopen+Ethernet+WebServer Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12C20T40M00 增量编码器 Slot powerPLmC with CANopen+Ethernet+WebServer Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I10T10M00 增量编码器 Analog and Step/Direction Input Torque, Velocity and Position Control 无
C3S015V4F12I11T11M00 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F12I11T30M00 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I11T30M10 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I11T30M11 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I11T30M12 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I11T30M21 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I11T40M00 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I11T40M10 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I11T40M11 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I11T40M12 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I11T40M21 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I12T11M00 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O, or RS232/485 Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F12I12T11M10 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O, or RS232/485 Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I12T11M11 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O, or RS232/485 Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I12T11M12 增量编码器 Positioning via Digital I/O, or RS232/485 Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I20T11M00 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F12I20T11M10 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I20T11M11 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I20T11M12 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I20T30M00 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I20T30M10 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I20T30M11 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I20T30M12 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I20T30M21 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I20T40M00 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I20T40M10 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I20T40M11 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I20T40M12 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I20T40M21 增量编码器 Profibus DP Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I21T11M00 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F12I21T11M10 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I21T11M11 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I21T11M12 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I21T30M00 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I21T30M10 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I21T30M11 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I21T30M12 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I21T30M21 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I21T40M00 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I21T40M10 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I21T40M11 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I21T40M12 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I21T40M21 增量编码器 CANopen Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I22T11M00 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F12I22T11M10 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I22T11M11 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I22T11M12 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I22T30M00 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I22T30M10 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I22T30M11 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I22T30M12 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I22T30M21 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I22T40M00 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I22T40M10 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I22T40M11 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I22T40M12 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I22T40M21 增量编码器 DeviceNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I30T11M00 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F12I30T11M10 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I30T11M11 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I30T11M12 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I30T30M00 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I30T30M10 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I30T30M11 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I30T30M12 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I30T30M21 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I30T40M00 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I30T40M10 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I30T40M11 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I30T40M12 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I30T40M21 增量编码器 PowerLink Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I31T11M00 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F12I31T11M10 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I31T11M11 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I31T11M12 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I31T30M00 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I31T30M10 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I31T30M11 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I31T30M12 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I31T30M21 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I31T40M00 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I31T40M10 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I31T40M11 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I31T40M12 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I31T40M21 增量编码器 EtherCat Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I32T11M00 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 无
C3S015V4F12I32T11M10 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I32T11M11 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Basic Positioning Control HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I32T11M12 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Basic Positioning Control 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I32T30M00 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 无
型号 反馈技术 接口选择 技术选件 额外的整体选项
C3S015V4F12I32T30M10 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I32T30M11 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I32T30M12 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I32T30M21 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Motion Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)
C3S015V4F12I32T40M00 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 无
C3S015V4F12I32T40M10 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion + HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I32T40M11 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 HEDA Motionbus
C3S015V4F12I32T40M12 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 12x Digital I/O Expansion
C3S015V4F12I32T40M21 增量编码器 ProfiNet Interface Electronic-CAM Control based on IEC61131 Analog IN (current, voltage)